To think of the work that went into this app is staggering. All these images (probably over 1,200, not 1,000 as stated) are well chosen and incredibly detailed. Both in resolution and the masking around the edges. Well done. The editing work flow is also extremely well thought out. That means it’s simple to use. Which is difficult when you offer so many editing options…erase, hue, saturation, tint, color, enlarge, reduce, rotate and a see-thru to use when erasing. I’m probably forgetting something. You can add as many elements as you like. Only problem is you have to save your work and then re-open it. Easy to do and not really a big deal. All in all, this is by far the best novelty photo app I’ve seen. The attention to detail and multitude of elements is amazing. And the price? Way too low for what this is and what it offers. Now, a wish list. New pictures are always welcome, but 1,200 should keep users busy for awhile. How about a blur option? Some of my photos aren’t as sharp as the elements and it would help to match the two. Also if you wanted to put an element way in the background, blur would help. Other than that, amazing job. Hope word gets out.